The Story of Food

Deciding what to eat seems like a simple enough concept at first glance. That being said I have found myself perplexed at nearly every meal as to what to put on my plate and into my body. Since long before I came to Naturopathic school I have been curious about what is "best to eat". In trying to solve that inquiry I have found as many answers as I had questions.

Is a vegetarian diet the answer? Then why have we eaten meat for one million years? Avoid butter to prevent heart disease. Avoid margarine to prevent cancer. Eat all you want and loose weight! Really? Low fat vs. low carb. Eat your greens. Eat your grains. What is an omega-3? What is a trans fat? Eat three servings of fish a week but watch the mercury. Wild caught is best but what about over fishing? We now have free-range omega-3 enriched eggs by feeding chickens flax seeds. Are chickens supposed to eat flax seeds? What does free range really mean anyway? What about the goodness of Mom's home cooking?

Any one else confused? At then end of all the questioning one stands firm in my mind:

Eat to live or live to eat?

In my series the "Story of Food" I hope to debunk some of the myths, confusions and fads around eating healthfully and healthful eating. Stay tuned. Until then Buen Provecho!


Unknown said...

Look forward to reading it. Laurie will have to tell you her recent adventure. She has given up soy and found a world of difference. It was nearly ruining her life! - Koni

Kathryn (aka "Kj") said...

No kidding ... there are so many different theories ... and I have certainly tried a LOT of them. Still searching for the "best" one for MY body, psyche, and soul. - Mom