A few Questions

I want you to answer a question for me. I know this seems silly but work with me here. How would you light a dark room? This is not a trick question. List five ways you could light a dark room.

Got them?

Good. I came up with: open a window, turn on a light, light a candle, open a door, take off the roof.

One more question. What do all these things have in common, besides being ways to light a dark room?

Answer: They are all things you have to DO.

Your state of health can be compared to the brightness in a room. Maybe your room has French doors that open to an ocean view. If so, good for you! My room could use some lightening up. Some of you may realize your room needs a lot of light.

You can not take away disease any more than you can take away darkness. You have to add health. You have to DO things to add health not just take things.

As a Naturopathic student in our clinic I see a lot of different ways to work with people. While there are many roads to wellness, the people I see get better faster are those who take an active role in their health.

What can you do? Read my article
Top 10 Things to DO for your health for ideas.

Sarah Marshall is a candidate to graduate as a Naturopathic Doctor in June 2009. She is currently practicing as a medical intern at the Natural Health Center Portland, OR. If you would like to schedule and appointment for a personalized health consultation with her call (503) 552-1551.

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